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Simon - 2012, chestnut and white spotted draft-cross

Simon is a sweet guy!  You don't often get a colt this naturally calm, with such a strong affinity to people and trying new things. He is willing to do anything asked of him, and really enjoys playing with the tarps, crossing bridges and poles, and even loading into the trailer. Simon has big, thick bone structure and should easily mature to 16.2, like so many of his siblings sired by Ernie. He has enough draft for size but is still very athletic.  Simon is well on his way to being a solid, kind, gentle gelding that will truly be an outstanding all-around horse.​


Update June 10, 2014: Simon was started under saddle. He received just the basics of carrying a saddle and rider by a local family. They don't even have an arena so they just hopped on Simon and started using him for checking irrigation, and moving cows from to different pastures. He has not been run around in an arena, he has been moving straight out. He is extremely willing, calm, and athletic. After ten rides, I brought Simon home and have had a blast riding him around the hills in Owyhee County. I took him to an arena last week and he was awesome. He trotted over logs and crossed the bridge. We cantered some big circles! I am very excited about this young guy. The sky is the limit!  


Update July 2014 - Hauled Simon to an extreme trail course clinic. Simon handled the course with ease! Even stood on the teeter totter like a pro! After the clinic, I put Simon back out to pasture to grow up and mature with his siblins.


Update September 2014 - Brought Simon is to ride for a few weeks and he was awesome. Same sweet guy we put put to pasture. He picks up both leads, crosses any of the obstacles, and always willing. He's growing and is as big as the 4 year olds.


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