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Brainy Smurf - 2011 Sorrel and White Overo Gelding

2011 13.3 hand, Sorrel and White Paint Gelding. From registered paint stock but is not able to be registered. Brainy got his name from being smart and being short. He is a darling little guy with a huge heart. He learns so quickly! So far, he looks like a super kids' horse in the making. Not much bothers him! 


Brainy's Story: When I looked at this sweet, under-weight, little stallion in a small pen, all by himself with no other equine contact, his owner was not ready to let him go. I liked him at first sight. He has a kind eye, correct conformation, and a lovely topline. I was sad to leave him behind. We already had our kids' horse prospects picked out when we received a call from Brainy's owner. He had finally made the decision to give Brainy a chance at life! We had to do some juggling to make room for him!! We had him casterated right away and then let him live with a broodmare for a few weeks. I thought that he would have issues transitioning into the gelding life but he has taken to it like a dream. Just a week after being casterated he was tied along side the mares, saddled, and ready for his training. He's still a little thin but he will bloom in the spring.


Update October 2014: Brainy has a solid 2 weeks training and is doing great! He has nice canter and super willing dispositon. He is gaining weight and muscle. Hoping to hit the trails before the weather gets too cold.


Update December 2014: Brainy had sometime off in November while we worked on the farm. He is back in traning and doing great! I have uploaded some recent video of him out on the trails and playing in the massive puddles in the driveway. Brainy is a sweet horse and very willing. He is on the smaller side but he is all heart. He loves the trails and even goes down the road by himself. 


Update January 2015: We took Brainy to the Owyhees for a snowy ride. He acted like he'd been there a million times! He wasn't bothered by the snow either.


January 10, 2015: Brainy's first show. He was as star.  He had never been in an indoor arena or over a course of crossrails. There were horses everywhere! He took it all in and did great. We videoed as much as possible just to show how he did in the warm-up and in his class. Brainy wants to please and he is full of try.


Brainy was sold to Clock Work Farms in Idaho Falls. He is already a favorite with the smaller riders. This is a great opportunity for Brainy to continue to shine and I'm proud of him!


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