Roxie - 2016 Spotted Draft Cross Mare, Chestnut Tobiano
Roxy is a leggy young mare and should mature to about 16 hands. She has the most sweet, kind temperament and is not a dominant mare at all. She is loaded with potential. Her 2 full siblings, Simon and Digger have turned out to be amazing packers and solid family horses. I will begin her kindergarten training once she comes home from pasture in October 2017. Price includes her training until she passes kindergarten.
Update May 2018: Roxie was put into basic ground training this spring. We started her under saddle with 10 rides just ensure she is going to be solid riding horse. Roxie has not been pushed and turned in circles. Just ridden ahead and lightly. She is ready to go out to pasture for the summer and should come back into work next spring with ease. Roxie has proven to be calm, quiet, extremely comfortable to ride in all 3 gaits, and brave. I think she is going to be a super star. Roxie is growing into a big mare and should be well over 16 hands. She has the classic drafty look.

August 2017

July 2017